Parada Metroguaguas

Guaguas Municipales de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Adjudicatario del contrato: Capmar.
Arquitectura: Elena Nedelcu / Carles Díaz

The Metroguagua stop that has been designed for the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria considers the particular conditions of its implementation in the city, its climatology and the needs of the new rapid transport line that is being implemented. It is a flexible design that interprets the classic functions of a bus stop in an urban way: signa- ge, information, waiting, shelter. Its image is a cover inspired by the wings of a bird: a bird that stops for a moment before resuming its flight, without even folding its wings. It transmits a light, transparent, modern image... a future icon that will be visible and recognizable throughout the city, and that will soon be identified with the Metroguagua line, the future “metro” of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.